F228. Face Out: Maximizing the Visibility of Emerging Writers, Sponsored by CLMP

Room 204AB, Washington Convention Center, Level Two
Friday, February 10, 2017
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm


Poets and their publishers discuss strategies they have learned through CLMP's FACE OUT program, which focuses on how these dynamic pairs can partner effecitvely toward increasing the readership of a book.



Natalie Mesnard

Emily Skillings is the author of two chapbooks, Backchannel and Linnaeus: The 26 Sexual Practices of Plants. Her first full-length collection of poetry, Fort Not, is forthcoming. She is an MFA candidate at Columbia University and a member of the Belladonna* Collaborative.

Stephen Motika is the author of the poetry collection Western Practice and the editor of Tiresias: The Collected Poems of Leland Hickman. He is the publisher of Nightboat Books and the program director of Poets House.

Ely Shipley is the author of Boy with Flowers, Playing Dead, and the chapbook On Beards: A Memoir of Passing. He is an assistant professor at Baruch College–CUNY.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center