R149. Four Indigenous Writers, Not Just Simple Indian Stereotypes: A Reading
Thursday, February 9, 2017
10:30 am to 11:45 am
Susan Deer Cloud, a mixed lineage Catskill Native, is a poet activist, story weaver, and visionary rover. Published widely, she is the recipient of an NEA Fellowship, two NYSFA Poetry Fellowships, and an Elizabeth George Foundation Grant. Her most recent books are Hunger Moon and Before Language.
Monty Campbell, Jr. is a member of the Cayuga tribe of the Six Nations. His poetry is brash, destructive, and sometimes incomprehensible. Most nights, he sits up drinking whiskey and singing old Woody Guthrie songs about the dust bowl.
Mary Carroll-Hackett is the author of The Real Politics of Lipstick, Animal Soul, If We Could Know Our Bones, The Night I heard Everything, Trailer Park Oracle, and most recently, another full collection prose poetry entitled A Little Blood, A Little Rain. She is working now on a grief memoir.
Meta Commerse, writing across genres, has addressed oppression through the intersectionality of her lived experience. She is an educator, teaching K–12 for five years and professor for seven. As the daughter of activist/artists, she has followed in that tradition. Meta is a Goddard College graduate.