R152. The Art of Difficulty: Challenging Poetry Students to Think Clearly, Read Smartly, Write Evocatively

Room LL4, Western New England MFA Annex, Lower Level
Thursday, February 27, 2014
10:30 am to 11:45 am


Poets continually negotiate and renegotiate the balance between clarity and obscurity, from Emily Dickinson’s admonition to tell it slant to Kay Ryan’s suggestion that each word we use is a step into a jungle of forking paths, making clarity through language a contradiction in terms. The panelists will discuss how this negotiation plays out in the classroom and offer strategies for helping students venture into this thicket as readers of poetry and as beginning poets.



Amorak Huey spent fifteen years as a reporter and editor before leaving the newspaper business to teach writing at Grand Valley State University in Michigan. His poetry appears in The Best American Poetry 2012 and many print and online journals.

Shaindel Beers's poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction have been published in numerous anthologies and journals. She is the author of two full-length poetry collections, A Brief History of Time and The Children's War and Other Poems. She also serves as poetry editor of Contrary.

L.S. Klatt's first collection of poems, Interloper, won the Juniper Prize for Poetry. His second book, Cloud of Ink, won the Iowa Poetry Prize. His lyric poem “Andrew Wyeth, Painter, Dies At 91” was anthologized in Best American Poetry 2011 and made into a 90-second animated film.

Judy Halebsky's book of poems, Sky=Empty, won the New Issues Prize and was a finalist for the California Book Award. The MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, and the Japanese Ministry of Culture have supported her work. She teaches creative writing at Dominican University of California.

Jill Alexander Essbaum is the author of several collections of poetry including Heaven, Harlot, and Necropolis. Her poems have appeared Poetry, the Christian Century, Gulf Coast, and Smartish Pace. She teaches in the UCR Palm Desert low-residency MFA program.


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