R148. The Asian Face of War, Gaining Perspectives from Both Sides: A Look at WWII, Vietnam, and Korea

Room 408 B, LA Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Thursday, March 31, 2016
10:30 am to 11:45 am


How does literature remain conversant with the history of war in Asia? Why does it remain vital and relevant? Seventy years after WWII, and forty years after the fall of Saigon, writers whose work was published in Kyoto Journal and who write out of an awareness of war gather to address questions of war and literature’s ongoing response to it. Four writers, some based outside the United States, speak to Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese literature in light of history and war.



Gregory Dunne is the author of two books of poetry, Home Test and Fistful of Lotus. He is also the author of one book of creative nonfiction, Quiet Accomplishment: Remembering Cid Corman. He is a professor at Miyazaki International College, Japan.

rg cantalupo (Ross Canton) is a poet, playwright, filmmaker, novelist, and director. His work has been published widely in literary journals in the United States, England, and Australia and is the winner of many writing awards. He received his MFA in poetry and nonfiction from VCFA.

Mong-Lan, poet, writer, visual artist, dancer, musician, and composer, left her native Vietnam on the last day of the evacuation of Saigon. Author of eight books (One Thousand Minds Brimming) and chapbooks, Mong-Lan has won a Pushcart Prize, the Juniper Prize, and a Stegner Fellowship. www.monglan.com

Kyoko Yoshida is the author of a story collection Disorientalism. She also translates prose and poetry from/into Japanese. A PhD from UW-Milwaukee, a 2005 participant of the Iowa IWP, and a former visiting fellow at Brown University, she currently teaches at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.

Teresa Mei Chuc


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Kansas City, Missouri

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