F213. The Author as Entrepreneur: How to Build Your Writing Business

Room 408 A, LA Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Friday, April 1, 2016
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm


A successful writing career demands more than writing books. Every author, whether self-published or traditionally published, increasingly takes on the role of small business owner, making more decisions at each step of the publishing and marketing process, from contract negotiation to reading tour. This panel, presented by the Authors Guild, explores what authors need to know about contracts, taxes, marketing, and publicity to succeed in an ever more competitive publishing marketplace.



Mary Rasenberger is the executive director of the Authors Guild. Prior to joining the Guild, Mary practiced law for over twenty-five years, specializing in media and copyright law, and served as senior policy advisor for the US Copyright Office and program manager at the Library of Congress.

Janis Nelson is a partner in the Beverly Hills office of Cowan DeBaets Abrahams & Sheppard, where she represents clients across the entertainment industries, including writers of books, plays, and screenplays. She speaks frequently on the negotiation of entertainment industry agreements.

Lauren Cerand is an independent public relations representative and strategic consultant in New York. She is known as a “talented publicist,” (Wall Street Journal); “a social media pioneer,” (Svenska Dagbladet/Swedish Daily Paper); and a “specialist in literary social networking,” (The Telegraph).

Michelle Richmond


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