S160. Craft and _____ : Creating Interdisciplinary Possibilities in the MFA

Room 510, LA Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Saturday, April 2, 2016
10:30 am to 11:45 am


While graduate writing programs provide guidance and mentorship in writing poetry and prose, opportunities for outside study and participation in marginalized literature and communities are often hard to find. How do students find sustenance for their writing beyond craft? This panel addresses ways in which graduate creative writing programs and students can improve literary citizenship by discovering and building communities and networks beyond literary craft.



Jessica Guzman Alderman is a PhD student in poetry at the University of Southern Mississippi's Center for Writers.

Xin Tian Koh has an MFA from West Virginia University. She works as a writer, editor, and translator in Singapore.

Lily Duffy is a poet. Her poems can be found in Bone Bouquet, Dusie, interrupture, smoking glue gun, Twelfth House, alice blue, and others. With Rachel Levy, she edits Dreginald.

Ginger Ko is the author of the poetry collection Motherlover, and the chapbook Inherit. She is a PhD student at the University of Georgia’s creative writing program.

K. Jane Childs is an MFA candidate at the University of Alabama. She is interested in fiction, poetry, and cross-genre work.


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Kansas City, Missouri

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