R239. Surprising Seeds: Cultivating Poetry Across Art Practices

Room 613/614, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
Thursday, February 27, 2014
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Poets share how other art practices inform and shape their writing. In an exploration of the ways in which poetry can emerge through various aesthetic traditions, these poets reflect upon the art disciplines and practices (visual art, music, theatre) that inspired written works. Panelists explore the struggles and rewards of working across disciplines and consider how multidisciplinary approaches to poetry can enrich a writing practice.



Maya Pindyck's collection of poems, Friend Among Stones, won the Many Voices Project Award and her chapbook, Locket, Master, received a Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship. She is currently a doctoral candidate in English Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Judy Halebsky's book of poems, Sky=Empty, won the New Issues Prize and was a finalist for the California Book Award. The MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, and the Japanese Ministry of Culture have supported her work. She teaches creative writing at Dominican University of California.

Giovanni Singleton is a poet, teacher, and founding editor of nocturnes (re)view of the literary arts, a journal of the African Diaspora and other contested spaces. Her debut collection Ascension, informed by the music and life of Alice Coltrane, was awarded the 81st California Book Award Gold Medal.

Dean Rader’s debut collection of poems, Works & Days, won the 2010 T. S. Eliot Poetry Prize, and his work appears in Best American Poetry 2012. He writes about and reviews poetry for The Rumpus, The San Francisco Chronicle, and the Huffington Post. He chairs the English Department at USF.

Kate Ingold is a visual artist and poet.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center