S146. What We Talk About When We Talk About Subtext

Room 602/603, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
Saturday, March 1, 2014
10:30 am to 11:45 am


Fiction writers from within and outside the traditional bounds of realism consider how elements of craft are orchestrated to generate subtext, examining how standard formulas for depicting character in conflict leave out essential dimensions of the relationship between the literal and the figurative, how the narrative arc can be exploited to generate subtext, and how patterns of imagery and diction are welded to plot development.



Catherine Brady is the author of three short story collections, including Curled in the Bed of Love, recipient of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, and the craft book Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction. She teaches in the MFA in Writing program at the University of San Francisco.

Thaisa Frank's books include A Brief History of Camouflage, Sleeping in Velvet, Heidegger's Glasses, Enchantment, and Finding Your Writer's Voice. She's taught in MFA programs at SF State, USF, been VIsiting Associate Professor at UCBerekeley, and is a post-bac advisor in Creative Writing at UCB.

Ilie Ruby is the author of The Salt God's Daughter and The Language of Trees. Her essays have appeared in The New York Times and CNN, among others. She is the winner of the Edwin Moses Award for fiction, the Kemp Award for Outstanding Teaching and Scholarship, and a Phi Kappa Phi Award for Fiction.

Pablo Medina is the author of fourteen books of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and translation, among them the critically acclaimed novel Cubop City Blues and, with Mark Statman, an English version of Lorca's Poet in New York. A recipient of numerous awards, he teaches at Emerson College.


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