F118. Words for the Wounded: Helping Special Populations Heal Through Writing

Room 208 C&D, Level 2
Friday, April 10, 2015
9:00 am to 10:15 am


Healing writing occurs when an individual employs expressive or creative writing to describe and come to terms with devastating life events. In this potentially transformational session, five seasoned healing writing teachers and facilitators discuss their best strategies for engaging adult special populations (such as prisoners, terminally ill patients, war veterans, and abuse survivors) in telling their unique stories through narrative prose, fiction, and poetry. 



Autumn Stephens is the author of the Wild Women book series, editor of two anthologies of women's essays, and the second-ever New York Times Modern Love columnist. Trained in the Amherst Writers method, she leads workshops for cancer patients and last-minute memoirists, and teaches creative writing privately.

G. Elizabeth Kretchmer is a published fiction, essay, and freelance writer with an MFA in writing. She is also a facilitator of therapeutic and wellness writing workshops for senior citizens, women in transition, and stressed-out corporate America, and she is working toward a CAPF.

Karin B. Miller specializes in marketing, magazine writing, and poetry. After her husband's successful cancer treatment, she launched The Cancer Poetry Project. These award-winning national anthologies feature cancer-related poetry by patients, spouses, family members, friends, and health advisors.

Jen Cross founded Writing Ourselves Whole in 2003. She facilitates sexuality and sexual trauma survivors writing workshops in Oakland and across the country. Her fiction and creative nonfiction have been widely anthologized.

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg is the 2009-13 Kansas poet laureate, and founder of Transformative Language Arts at Goddard College, where she teaches. Author of nineteen books, including a memoir on cancer and community, and other prose, she leads community writing workshops for people living with serious illness.


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Kansas City, Missouri

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