F104. The Ethics of Book Reviewing

Auditorium Room 1, Level 1
Friday, April 10, 2015
9:00 am to 10:15 am


The ethical boundaries of book reviewing in an age when everyone has "friended" everyone else can be fuzzy. How do we define, avoid, or accept "conflict of interest" as methodologies and technologies change? This panel, made up of authors, reviewers, and small press publishers, will grapple with the dilemmas of the current world of book reviewing, discuss ways out of the coterie vs. "objective" binary, and hash out some ideas to make reviewing more transparent, honest, and useful in the future.



Eric Lorberer, editor of Rain Taxi Review of Books, has published poems, essays, and criticism in numerous magazines and has been awarded a SASE Jerome grant for his writing. He directs the Rain Taxi Reading Series and Twin Cities Book Festival.

Stephen (sometimes Stephanie) Burt is a professor of English at Harvard and the author of several books of poetry and criticism, including Belmont, Parallel Play, Close Calls with Nonsense, The Forms of Youth, and Why I Am Not a Toddler and Other Poems by Cooper Bennett Burt (Age One).

Carolyn Kellogg is an award-winning staff writer at The Los Angeles Times; she reviews books and covers authors and publishing. She has profiled David Mitchell, Jonathan Lethem, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, and Jennifer Egan. She is vice president of the National Book Critics Circle and has published widely.

Brian Evenson is the author of eleven books of fiction, most recently Immobility and Windeye, and the recipient of three O. Henry Awards. His translations from the French include works by Gailly, Fremon, Stendhal, Chevillard, and Draeger. He teaches in Brown University's literary arts program. 

Rusty Morrison's books of poetry are Beyond the Chainlink; After Urgency (winner of the Dorset Prize); Book of the Giventhe true keeps calm biding its story (which won the Sawtooth Prize, the James Laughlin Award, the Northern California Book Award, and the Alice Di Castagnola Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America) and Whethering, which won the Colorado Prize. She is co-publisher of Omnidawn.


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