S239. Poetry and Disability
Saturday, April 11, 2015
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm
Don Share is the editor of POETRY magazine.
John Lee Clark is the editor of the anthologies Deaf American Poetry and Deaf Lit Extravaganza. His latest title is Where I Stand: On the Signing Community and My DeafBlind Experience. His poems and essays have appeared in many publications.
Jim Ferris is author of the poetry collections Slouching Towards Guantanamo, Facts of Life, and The Hospital Poems. Past president of the Society for Disability Studies, he holds the Ability Center Endowed Chair in Disability Studies at the University of Toledo.
Jillian Weise is the author of The Amputee's Guide to Sex, The Colony, and The Book of Goodbyes, which won the 2013 Laughlin Award from the Academy of American Poets. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Tin House, and Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. She teaches at Clemson University.