
The Power of Collective Impact in Elevating Black Women's Voices

Room 2104B, Kansas City Convention Center, Street Level
Saturday, February 10, 2024
1:45 pm to 3:00 pm


During this panel discussion, contributing authors from the Scenes From a Single Mom book project will share best practices, lessons learned, and their journeys to becoming authors and entrepreneurs through a cohort-style, collective model. Each author is a contributing author in one of the six memoir-style anthologies about single motherhood, who were able to cross the finish line because of the power of support of the hosting organization, sisterhood, and collaboration with two local universities.



Tiffany Huff-Strothers is an award winning author, life and storytelling coach, and founder/CEO of When She Thrives, an organization dedicated to empowering single mothers to move their families from poverty to prosperity through education, advocacy, personal and professional development.

Nakeena Hayden is a program manager of Scenes From a Single Mom book project, and was an alumnae to this program through When She Thrives. She is a mother of three and writing has always been embedded in her; Hayden wants to become more intentional with her work because it is healing and helpful.

Shauntaya Hester is a mother, entrepreneur, natural-born leader, and an advocate for women and children. She obtained her Master's degree in leadership and is currently serving as a youth program director and consultant. She is one of the published authors in Scenes of a Single Mom, Volume Six.

Kaya Raines is a dedicated housing advocate with over twenty years of experience in the social services and mental health field pursuing her MSW. Kaya is a published author of volumes three and four of Scenes of a Single Mom, a collection that sheds light on the experiences and struggles of single mothers.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center