
(Trans)cend: Trans Poetics in the Age of Anti-transness

Room 3501 EF, Kansas City Convention Center, Level 3
Saturday, February 10, 2024
9:00 am to 10:15 am


The world doesn’t know what to do with us. Publishers, politicians, etc.—everyone is wondering what transness is, why it exists, and projecting fears onto trans people in the process. So, what is the role of a trans writer, and how can we be free today? On this panel, trans writers discuss gender/genre, theme, tokenization, and how audiences do/don’t engage with trans writing. Through performance and conversation, this panel explores the state of trans lit to get to a future where trans people live.

Outline & Supplemental Documents

Event Outline: AWP_panel_event_outline_(2024).pdf
Supplemental Document 1: AWP_poems_(4_combined).pdf



KB Brookins is a Black queer and trans poet, essayist, and cultural worker. They are the author of How To Identify Yourself with a Wound (Kallisto Gaia Press, 2022) and Freedom House (Deep Vellum Publishing, 2023). Follow them on Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok at @earthtokb.

K. Iver is a nonbinary trans poet born in Mississippi. Their book Short Film Starring My Beloved's Red Bronco won the 2022 Ballard Spahr Prize from Milkweed Editions. Their work is in Boston Review, Kenyon Review, TriQuarterly, and elsewhere.They have a PhD in poetry from Florida State University.

Kay E. Bancroft (they/them) is a queer nonbinary writer, poet, educator, and artist based in Cincinnati, Ohio. They hold an MFA in poetry from Randolph College, and a BA from the University of Cincinnati. You can find their writing in Hooligan Magazine, Longleaf Review, The Rumpus, and more.

SG Huerta is a queer, trans, Xicanx writer from Dallas. They are the poetry editor of Abode Press and author of the chapbooks The Things We Bring with Us (Headmistress Press 2021) and Last Stop (Defunkt Magazine 2023). Their work has appeared in The Offing, Split Lip Magazine, and more.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center