S278. Translation as Current Event

Room 618/619/620, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
Saturday, March 1, 2014
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm


In a world torn apart by conflict, it is more important than ever to read widely across languages. Translators from Omnidawn's award-winning series will read and discuss the work of René Char, leader in the French resistance; Virginie Lalucq and philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, whose collaborative poem responds to a photograph of a Zapatista lieutenant facing a firing squad; Jules Laforgue and Paul Verlaine, modernist innovators; and Kiwao Nomura, one of Japan's most influential contemporary poets.



Ken Keegan is co-founder, co-publisher, and a senior editor of Omnidawn Publishing, publishing poetry, poetics, translations, and fabulist fiction, since 2001. He has a background in theater, graphic design, desktop publishing, and the founding, management of, consultation for, nonprofit organizations.

Kyoko Yoshida writes fiction and translates contemporary Japanese poetry and experimental drama into English. Her stories have appeared in Beloit Fiction Journal, Chelsea, and others. A 2005 participant of the Iowa IWP, she currently teaches at Keio University in Tokyo.

Donald Revell is the author of twelve collections of poetry—most recently of Tantivy (2012) and The Bitter Withy (2009). He has also published five volumes of translations from the French, including works by Apollinaire, Laforgue, and Rimbaud.

Robert Baker has translated René Char's The Word as Archipelago and written two books of criticism, The Extravagant: Crossings of Modern Poetry and Modern Philosophy and In Dark Again in Wonder: The Poetry of René Char and George Oppen. He is professor of English at the University of Montana.

Sylvain Gallais is a professor of Economics and French specializing in European Union Economics at Arizona State University, where he has also served as Coordinator of the French Program in the International School of Languages and Cultures.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center