
Abracadabra!: Writers’ Most (and Least) Wanted Transformations

115AB, Pennsylvania Convention Center, 100 Level
Friday, March 25, 2022
1:45 pm to 3:00 pm


Our creative practices have transformed along with our identities as writers, creators, and teachers. Our panel frankly discusses the literary expectations and practices we aspire to, are sometimes broken by, and seek to transform. Learning and imagination are necessary to craft and survival, but sometimes literary change comes at a steep cost. We celebrate and assess our nontraditional paths, encourage writers at all levels, and critique the systems that hinder our dream of "The Writer's" lives.

Outline & Supplemental Documents

Event Outline: AWP_Abracadabra!_panel--handout.pdf



Alison Kinney is the author of Avidly Reads Opera  and Hood. Her essays have been published in the Paris Review Daily, the New Yorker, Lapham’s Quarterly, and the New York Times. She is assistant professor of writing (nonfiction) at Eugene Lang College at The New School.

Minda Honey is a Louisville, Kentucky-based writer. Her debut collection of essays, An Anthology of Assholes, is forthcoming summer 2023. Find her work at ESPN’s the Undefeated, Longreads, Catapult, Salon.com, and elsewhere.

Anjali Enjeti is the author of the collection of essays Southbound and the novel The Parted Earth. She teaches in the MFA program at Reinhardt University. Her other writing has appeared in the Oxford American, Harper's Bazaar, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the Boston Globe, and elsewhere.

Edgar Gomez is a Florida-born writer with roots in Nicaragua and Puerto Rico. He has written for PopSugar, Narratively, Longreads, Catapult, Ploughshares, the Rumpus, and elsewhere online and in print. He is also the author of the recent memoir High-Risk Homosexual. For more, visit EdgarGomez.net.

Denne Michele Norris is the editor in chief of Electric Literature. Her writing appears in McSweeney's, American Short Fiction, and The Undefeated and has been supported by MacDowell, Tin House, VCCA, and the Kimbilio Center for African American Fiction. Find her on Twitter and Instagram @thedennemichele


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Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center