Debuting with a Small Press
Friday, March 25, 2022
9:00 am to 10:15 am
Five small press authors will speak to their experiences debuting in 2021 with small presses. They will cover the benefits and challenges of their individual publishing journeys so far, as well as their own tips for a successful book launch.
Jenn Bouchard’s debut novel First Course was published by TouchPoint Press in 2021. Her short stories have appeared in the Bookends Review, Litbreak Magazine, the Penmen Review, and the Little Patuxent Review. She has taught high school social studies for over twenty years.
Khristeena Lute is a writer and English professor residing in upstate New York, where she teaches English at SUNY Adirondack.
Maan Gabriel is a mom, wife, and advocate for women’s stories in literature. She earned her BA in communications from St. Scholastica’s College Manila and MPS public relations and corporate communications from Georgetown University. She works in strategic communications in Washington, DC.
Rachel Mans McKenny is the assistant director of the Writing Center at Iowa State University and writes fiction and nonfiction. She has been recently published in the New York Times, Electric Literature, the Rumpus, and outlets. Her debut novel, The Butterfly Effect, was released in 2020.
Joy Lanzendorfer is the author of Right Back Where We Started From. Her work has been in the New York Times, the Atlantic, NPR, Washington Post, Smithsonian, Poetry Foundation, and Ploughshares. Grants include the Discovered Awards for Emerging Artists and the Speculative Literature Foundation.