
Houses Full of Houses: The Structure & Craft of Building Story Collections

Friday, March 25, 2022
3:20 pm to 4:20 pm


How can a pile of stories become a cohesive book with a beginning, middle, and end? Many collections are assembled after the pieces are written, which can make vital decisions about structure seem daunting. This craft discussion with five debut authors of small press collections will provide a space for thinking both big-picture about books of stories as well as getting into the weeds about all the small choices that help collections cohere—from arrangement and structure to balance and flow.

Outline & Supplemental Documents

Event Outline: Event_Outline_Houses_Full_of_Houses.pdf



Tyler Barton is the author of Eternal Night at the Nature Museum. He's the communications manager for the Adirondack Center for Writing. Find him at tsbarton.com or @goftyler. 

Christopher Gonzalez is the author of I'm Not Hungry but I Could Eat, a collection of flash and short fiction. He currently serves as a fiction editor of Barrelhouse.

Ye Chun / 叶春 is the author of two books of poetry, Lantern Puzzle and Travel over Water; a novel in Chinese; and three books of translations. Her story collection, Hao, is forthcoming from Catapult. A recipient of an NEA fellowship and three Pushcart Prizes, she teaches at Providence College.

Kate McIntyre is the author of the story collection Mad Prairie, winner of the Flannery O'Connor Award. Two stories from the collection received Special Mention for the Pushcart Prize. She is an assistant professor of English at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Jen Fawkes's debut book, Mannequin and Wife, was a 2020 Shirley Jackson Award Nominee, won two 2020 Foreword INDIES, and was named one of Largehearted Boy's Favorite Short Story Collections of 2020. Her second book, Tales the Devil Told Me, won the 2020 Press 53 Award for Short Fiction.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center