R280A. Is It Really That Difficult? The Problem with "Difficult" Poetry

Room 304, Western New England MFA Annex, Level 3
Thursday, February 27, 2014
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm


Many small presses publish poetry that is described as "experimental" and very often "difficult." What do these monikers mean, and how are they both limiting and freeing? This panel will explore poetry's links to these terms with Coffee House Press poets. Each poet seeks to connect with readers in diverse ways, and each is known for the experimentation and complexity of his or her work.



Chris Fischbach is the publisher of Coffee House Press.

Lightsey Darst writes, dances, writes about dance and other arts, and teaches. Her books are Find the Girl and the forthcoming DANCE. Her poetry appears in Typo, Spork, and Diagram. Her criticism is online at mnartists.org, The Huffington Post, and Bookslut.

Amanda Nadelberg is the author of Bright Brave Phenomena, Isa the Truck Named Isadore, and a chapbook, Building Castles in Spain, Getting Married.

Raymond McDaniel is the author of Murder, a National Poetry Series selection; Saltwater Empire; and Special Powers and Abilities. A staff writer for The Constant Critic, he teaches at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Ange Mlinko is the author of four books of poetry, including Starred Wire, a National Poetry Series pick. Recipient of the Randall Jarrell Award from the Poetry Foundation for her criticism, she is an assistant professor in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston.


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