R256. Queer and Femme Digital Literature
Thursday, March 5, 2020
3:20 pm to 4:35 pm
Katie Schaag publishes poems, play scripts, and essays in print and digital journals, and presents her work at museums, libraries, and theatres. She teaches in the Writing & Communication Program at Georgia Tech, where she’s also developing a digital creative writing project, The Infinite Woman.
Sam Cohen's fiction is recently published or forthcoming in BOMB magazine, Fence, DIAGRAM, and many others. She is a candidate in USC Dornsife's Creative Writing and Literature PhD program, the producer of the Lambda LitFest, the fiction editor of Gold Line Press, and the Founding Editor of Yes Femmes.
Kate Durbin is the author of the poetry books Hoarders, E! Entertainment, and Ravenous Audience. Her interactive poetry app ABRA: A Living Text, won an Expanded Artist's Book Grant and the Turn on Literature Prize for Electronic Literature. She's a visiting professor of English at Whittier College.
Feliz Lucia Molina is a poet and author of three books: Undercastle; The Wes Letters; and Roulette. She is a former fellow of Kundiman and The MacDowell Colony and former poetry editor at The Los Angeles Review of Books. She works as a psychotherapist intern and contributes to various publications.
Sandra Rosales is a queer digital designer and front-end web developer.