S248. It’s Too Late for Us, Save Yourselves

Room 006B, Henry B. González Convention Center, River Level
Saturday, March 7, 2020
3:20 pm to 4:35 pm


Five debut nonfiction authors discuss the difficulties of bringing a book into the world, even after securing an agent or book contract. Writing about a diversity of subjects across the genre, and publishing with “Big Five,” academic, and small presses, the panelists will give perspective on the pre- and post-launch, and how to stay sane when things don’t go as planned.

Outline & Supplemental Documents

Event Outline: ItsTooLate.pdf
Supplemental Document 1: AWP_Origins.pdf



Kristina Gaddy is a writer who focuses on history, culture, and health. Her pieces have appeared in the Washington Post, Narratively, and Ozy, among others. Her young adult nonfiction book about teenagers who fought the Nazis during the Third Reich is forthcoming.

Stephanie Gorton has written for NewYorker.com, Smithsonian.com, LA Review of Books, the Toast, the Millions, and other publications. She has held editorial roles at Canongate Books, the Overlook Press, and Open Road. She is the author of Citizen Reporters, a book about Gilded Age journalists.

Thomas P. Kapsidelis is the author of After Virginia Tech: Guns, Safety, and Healing in the Era of Mass Shootings. He worked for twenty-eight years at the Richmond Times-Dispatch and was a Virginia Humanities fellow. He is a visiting assistant journalism professor at the University of Richmond in 2019–20.

Simon J. Dahlman (aka Jim) is professor of communications and humanities at Milligan College, Tennessee, and serves as chair of the Performing, Visual, and Communicative Arts area. A veteran journalist, author, and editor, he holds an MFA in creative nonfiction from Goucher College.

Alia Volz is the author of Home Baked: My Mom, Marijuana, and the Stoning of San Francisco, forthcoming in April 2020. You'll find her work in The Best American Essays 2017, The New York Times, Tin House, and Dig If You Will the Picture: Writers Reflect on Prince.


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