R170. All This and More: What Form of Creative Nonfiction is the Essay/Review?

Room 607, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
Thursday, February 27, 2014
12:00 pm to 1:15 pm


In an essay published in the Manilla Review, Jennifer B. McDonald, an editor at The New York Times Book Review, wrote, “A good review introduces a book and attempts a rigorous appraisal, while demonstrating fairness, intelligence, clarity, discernment, and style.” A good essay review does all of this and more. In addition to reviewing the books (usually two or more), the essay review serves as a springboard for the author to explore ideas and probe aspects of his/her own life. The panelists, all of them editors and/or writers of the essay review—for Water~Stone Review, the Georgia Review, and Fourth Genre—will focus on what the essay review is and isn’t, what it offers the reader as well as the author of the book being reviewed, and how it contributes not only to the literary magazine but to the writer (and field) of creative nonfiction.



Mary F. Rockcastle is the author of the novels In Caddis Wood and Rainy Lake. She is director of The Creative Writing Programs at Hamline University and the founding and executive editor of Water~Stone Review. Her awards include a Loft-McKnight Award of Distinction in Prose and a Bush Fellowship.

Stan Sanvel Rubin is director of the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA at Pacific Lutheran University. He has published six collections of poetry and The Post-Confessionals, a selection from his widely published interviews with writers. Awards include the Barrow Street Book Prize. He writes essay-reviews for Water-Stone Review.

David Ingle is assistant editor at the Georgia Review. In addition to helping select and solicit poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction manuscripts, he is also primarily responsible for the assignment and editing of book reviews that are published in the magazine.

Jocelyn Bartkevicius teaches creative writing at the University of Central Florida and is editor of the Florida Review. Her work has appeared in Bellingham Review, the Hudson Review, Fourth Genre, Missouri Review, Sweet, and Gulf Coast. She is completing a memoir, The Emerald Room.


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