S126. Imagined Research, Researched Imagination

D133-134, Oregon Convention Center, Level 1
Saturday, March 30, 2019
9:00 am to 10:15 am


With the rise of autofiction and hybrid forms, the boundaries of nonfiction have become more porous. Traditionally, imagination was treated with wariness, while research was trusted as factual and true. Yet all histories, whether individual, familial, or cultural, are bound up in memory and narrative. And the construction of a narrative is necessarily an imaginative act. This panel examines the artistic opportunities and ethical concerns of using research and imagination in concert.



Jeremiah Chamberlin teaches at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Fiction Writers Review, a Contributing Editor for Poets & Writers Magazine, and a coauthor of Creative Composition. Most recently, he was a 2017 Fulbright Research Scholar in Bulgaria.

Natalie Bakopoulos is the author of The Green Shore. Her work has appeared in Ploughshares, Iowa Review, Tin HouseVirginia Quarterly Review, Salon, The New York Times, Granta, O. Henry Prize Stories, and other publications. She was a 2015 Fulbright Scholar in Greece and she has also been a Camargo and MacDowell fellow.

Adrianne Kalfopoulou is the author of two collections of poetry. Her book of essays, Ruin, Essays in Exilic Living engages with issues of transnational identify and critical inquiries into late capitalism's austerity-ravaged Greece. She directs the Writing Program at Deree College in Athens, Greece.

Aisha Sabatini Sloan is the author of The Fluency of Light: Coming of Age in a Theater of Black and White and Dreaming of Ramadi in Detroit. She is a contributing editor for Guernica and the education programs coordinator at the University of Arizona Poetry Center.

Arianne Zwartjes is a writer, teacher, outdoor educator, and EMT in Santa Fe. Her most recent book is Detailing Trauma: A Poetic Anatomy. She is working on a researched nonfiction book exploring themes of cultural relocation, violence, migration, and European and American constructions of race.


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Kansas City, Missouri

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