F121. Voices from the Outpost: Wild Words for Wallowa County, Oregon

Room 612, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
Friday, February 28, 2014
9:00 am to 10:15 am


The remote mosaic of forest and meadow that is Wallowa County has inspired these accomplished writers to compose poetry and prose with the power to reconnect them and their audience with this culturally and environmentally important place. Members of previous Outpost writing workshops (part of the annual Summer Fishtrap gathering of writers) will read work resulting from intense periods of solitude in beautiful northeastern Oregon, a wild landscape that amply rewards such sustained focus.



Ann Whitfield Powers is the executive director of Fishtrap, a literary arts organization based in Northeastern Oregon dedicated to promoting clear thinking and good writing in and about the West.

Robert Michael Pyle is a lepidopterist, essayist, poet, and fiction writer. His seventeen books include Wintergreen, Where Bigfoot Walks, and Sky Time in Gray's River. He has received a Guggenheim fellowship, the Burroughs Medal, and a National Outdoor Book Award, as well as several butterfly standards. He has taught at many universities.

Ellen Waterston is the award-winning author of three books of poetry, I Am Madagascar, Between Desert Seasons, and Via Lactea; a collection of essays, Where the Crooked River Rises; and a memoir, Then There Was No Mountain. She is the founder and director of the Writing Ranch based in Bend, Oregon.

Charles Goodrich is the author of three books of poetry, A Scripture of Crows, Going to Seed: Dispatches from the Garden, and Insects of South Corvallis; and a collection of essays, The Practice of Home. He serves as director for the Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word.

Donald Witten is a recently retired Oregon English teacher. He is a two-time veteran of Fishtrap's Outpost, self-publishing two books of his and other Outposters' photography, poetry, and prose.


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