S121. What the Dog Said: Writing in Unusual Points of View

Room 611, Washington State Convention Center, Level 6
Saturday, March 1, 2014
9:00 am to 10:15 am


Four prize-winning fiction writers read and share the unorthodox points of view they’ve used and how they’ve used them to achieve fresh effects and perspectives. Many points of view used in uncommon ways, from the disruptive second-person, to the unreliable first-person plural, to the epistolary first-person will be read and discussed, including advice about how to take full advantage of each and avoid common mistakes.



Lydia Ship’s stories and poems have appeared in American Short Fiction, Barrow Street, Denver Quarterly, and Hayden’s Ferry Review. She won the New Delta Review's 2012 Matt Clark Prize in Fiction and she is managing editor of the Chattahoochee Review.

Anthony Varallo is the author of This Day in History, winner of the John Simmons Short Fiction Award, and Out Loud, winner of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize. His third story collection, Think of Me and I’ll Know, was published in 2013.

Amina Gautier is the author of the short-story collection At-Risk, which won the 2010 Flannery O’Connor Award. Her fiction appears in Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, and Southern Review, and has received honors from Breadloaf, Ucross, and Sewanee Writer¹s Conference.

Cara Blue Adams spent five years on the editorial staff of the Southern Review before joining the creative writing faculty at Coastal Carolina University. She has attended the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the VCCA. Her fiction appears in Narrative, the Missouri Review, and the Sun.


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Kansas City, Missouri

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