R124. Getting Beyond 3%: International Literature and US Literary Culture
Thursday, March 28, 2019
9:00 am to 10:15 am
Jeremiah Chamberlin teaches at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Fiction Writers Review, a Contributing Editor for Poets & Writers Magazine, and a coauthor of Creative Composition. Most recently, he was a 2017 Fulbright Research Scholar in Bulgaria.
Chad W. Post is the director of Open Letter Books at the University of Rochester, a publishing house dedicated to promoting international literature in translation. He is also the managing editor of Three Percent, a website on translation and home to the Best Translated Book Awards.
Will Evans is the founder and director of Deep Vellum Publishing, a nonprofit literary arts organization bringing the world together in conversation through literature. He is also founder and owner of Deep Vellum Books, an indie bookstore in Dallas, and a literary translator from the Russian.
Rachael Small is the Director of Publicity for Europa Editions, where she also edits novels in translation from French and Spanish. A graduate of the University of Iowa MFA in Literary Translation, she is the translator of the short story collection Another Morocco by Abdellah Taïa.
Milena Deleva