R124. Getting Beyond 3%: International Literature and US Literary Culture

C124, Oregon Convention Center, Level 1
Thursday, March 28, 2019
9:00 am to 10:15 am


It’s now been more than ten years since the NEA announced that only 3% of books published annually in the US are translations, with literary work accounting for less than 1%. This panel will address ways publishers and literary organizations have attempted to tackle these statistics, as well as discuss the importance, politics, and methods of bringing diversity to reading markets across the US, creating a literary culture that embraces international voices to help expand narrowing world views.



Jeremiah Chamberlin teaches at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Fiction Writers Review, a Contributing Editor for Poets & Writers Magazine, and a coauthor of Creative Composition. Most recently, he was a 2017 Fulbright Research Scholar in Bulgaria.

Chad W. Post is the director of Open Letter Books at the University of Rochester, a publishing house dedicated to promoting international literature in translation. He is also the managing editor of Three Percent, a website on translation and home to the Best Translated Book Awards.

Will Evans is the founder and director of Deep Vellum Publishing, a nonprofit literary arts organization bringing the world together in conversation through literature. He is also founder and owner of Deep Vellum Books, an indie bookstore in Dallas, and a literary translator from the Russian.

Rachael Small is the Director of Publicity for Europa Editions, where she also edits novels in translation from French and Spanish. A graduate of the University of Iowa MFA in Literary Translation, she is the translator of the short story collection Another Morocco by Abdellah Taïa.

Milena Deleva


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center