S150. Outsiders in Minority Fiction: When You’re From Where You’re Not Supposed to Be

B115, Oregon Convention Center, Level 1
Saturday, March 30, 2019
10:30 am to 11:45 am


This panel will speak to diverse minority experiences and the multitude of aesthetic responses in fiction to living in places where the American populace doesn’t place them. From African Americans in Appalachia, Native Americans in Denver and Asian Americans in the rural Midwest, many of us write, imaginatively and poetically, about our families and communities and often end up in a place of artistic resistance to mainstream and even alternative expectations in fiction.



Erika T. Wurth's publications include two novels, two poetry collections, and a short story collection. She teaches creative writing at Western Illinois University and was a guest writer at Institute of American Indian Arts. She is Apache/Chickasaw/Cherokee and is represented by Peter Steinberg.

David Heska Wanbli Weiden is Associate Professor and Director of the Native American Studies program at Metropolitan State University of Denver. He received his MFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts and is a 2018 MacDowell Fellow. He is completing a novel, Winter Counts.

Keith Lesmeister is the author of the story collection We Could've Been Happy Here (MG Press, 2017). He received his MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars, and currently teaches at Northeast Iowa Community College.

Steven Dunn is the author of the novels Potted Meat and Water & Power. Some of his work can be found in Granta, Blink Ink Print, and Best of Small Fictions 2018. He is currently an MFA candidate at Goddard College.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center