S182. For Your Freedom and Ours: Three Soviet Poet-Dissidents

Room 1, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Saturday, March 10, 2018
12:00 pm to 1:15 pm


The panel will focus on the life and craft of three late poet-dissidents of the post-Stalin USSR: Gorbanevskaya, Daniel, and Delaunay. Gorbanevskaya and Delaunay participated in the 1968 Red Square Demonstration to protest the invasion of Czechoslovakia; Daniel was arrested earlier. Each panelist will translate several poems of one of these poets and will talk about his or her legacy. The panel is dedicated to poets in all totalitarian regimes, where poetry itself becomes a subversive activity



Irina Mashinski is the author of nine books of poetry (in Russian). She is the coeditor of The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry, as well as cofounder (with the late Oleg Woolf) of the Cardinal Points Literary Journal. Her forthcoming book, The Naked World, is her first English-language collection.

Mary Jane White has an MFA poetry from Iowa Writers' Workshop, and NEA Fellowships in poetry and translation. Tsvetaeva translations appear in Starry Sky to Starry Sky, New Year's, an elegy for Rilke, The New England Review, The Hudson Review, and anthologies Poets Translate Poets, and From a Terrace in Prague.

Patricia Sollner


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center