F293. The Teaching Press: Bringing Professional Literary Publishing into the Classroom
Friday, March 9, 2018
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm
Holms Troelstrup is the assistant director of the English department's publications unit at Illinois State University. Her book of poetry, Within Mutiny, was selected as one of The Wardrobe's Best Dressed by Sundress Publications. Holms teaches Intro to Professional Publishing and edits PRESS 254.
Steve Halle is the director of the publications unit in the Department of English at Illinois State University. Author of Map of the Hydrogen World, The Collectors, and Cessation Covers, he directs co•im•press, edits Downstate Legacies and PRESS 254, and hosts the Re:Verse Reading Series.
Deanna Baringer is the Resident Artist in Literary Arts at Lincoln Park Performing Arts Center in Midland, Pennsylvania, where she teaches a variety of courses in creative writing, book arts, and media studies. She is the founder and managing editor of BatCat Press.
Ross K. Tangedal is assistant professor of English and publisher in chief of the Cornerstone Press at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He specializes in twentieth century American print and publishing culture, book history, textual editing, editorial theory, bibliography, and authorship.
Beth Staples is an editor at Lookout Books and senior editor at Ecotone at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where she also teaches classes in editing, book design, and publishing. She received her MFA from Arizona State University, and is currently at work on a novel.