F165. Complex Narratives: A VIDA Voices and Views Disability Focus Interview

Room 22, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Friday, March 9, 2018
10:30 am to 11:45 am


The VIDA Count recently pointed to an underrepresentation of disability voices in literature. Seeking a better understanding of the causes, nature, and ramifications of exclusion, as well as possible solutions, this panel invites interviewees to share both their own creative works relating to disability and their personal and professional insights pertaining to ableism, promotion of disability literature, barriers to accessibility and publishing, and other issues facing disabled writers.



Melissa Studdard is the author of the poetry collection I Ate the Cosmos for Breakfast, the middle-grade novel Six Weeks to Yehidah, and more. She is the executive producer and host of VIDA Voices & Views and a vice president for the Women's Caucus.

Danielle Pafunda is author of seven books including the forthcoming Beshrew That Heart That Makes My Heart To Groan, The Dead Girls Speak in Unison, Manhater, and Natural History Rape Museum.

Lydia X. Z. Brown is a queer east asian autistic activist, writer, and speaker whose work has focused on violence against multiply-marginalized disabled people, especially institutionalization, incarceration, and policing. They are editor of the first anthology by autistic people of color.

L. Lamar Wilson is the author of Sacrilegion and coauthor of Prime: Poetry and Conversation. Wilson teaches creative writing and African American literature at the University of Alabama.

Lynne DeSilva-Johnson is a nonbinary interdisciplinary creator and performer. They are an assistant visiting professor at Pratt Institute, founder and managing editor of The Operating System, and libraries editor at Boog City. Lynne publishes and performs widely, amplifies often, and resists always.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center