F227. Narrative and Other So-Called Lapsed and Retrograde Forms of Lyric Expression: A Post-Mortem

Room 101, Western New England MFA Annex, Level 1
Friday, February 28, 2014
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm


In Cooling Time, C.D. Wright says, “Exceptional intellection is being exercised to decry narrative. I am not learning much from that line of refutation.” This panel of diverse poets will interrogate narrative, “confessional,” and coherent syntactical moves in their own work and in American poetry today. Has narrative really gone by way of the chastity belt? The risks of too much story and coherence are well-known. What are the risks of too little?



Adrian Blevins is the author of Live from the Homesick Jamboree, The Brass Girl Brouhaha, and two chapbooks, The Man Who Went out for Cigarettes, and, most recently, Bloodline. Her awards and honors include a Kate Tufts Discovery Award and a Rona Jaffe Writer’s Foundation Award.

Lynn Emanuel is the author of four books of poetry: Hotel Fiesta, The Dig (a National Poetry Series winner), Then, Suddenly-, which was awarded the Eric Matthieu King Award from the Academy of American Poets, and, most recently, Noose and Hook.

Amy Gerstler's most recent books of poetry are Dearest Creature and Ghost Girl. She has been a journalist and art critic and teaches at the University of California at Irvine.

Lisa Lewis's books of poetry include The Unbeliever, Silent Treatment, Vivisect, and Burned House with Swimming Pool. She directs the creative writing program at Oklahoma State University and serves as poetry editor of the Cimarron Review.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center