R257. Wesleyan University Press Poetry Reading

Room 18 & 19, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Thursday, March 8, 2018
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Politically aware poets read from their latest work, reacting to our political climate and reflecting on our place, as individuals, in an unsettled world. Exploring the anxieties and isolation of our troubled times—these voices ponder how we can care for ourselves and each other. We ask, is it possible to break free from a seemingly endless, soul-numbing cycle of emotions, moving through outrage, mourning, and despair, again and again?



Sarah Blake is the author of Mr. West and Let's Not Live on Earth. An illustrated workbook accompanies her chapbook, Named After Death. She was awarded a Literature Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in 2013. She is cofounder of Submittrs and The Philadelphia Poetry Collaboration.

Evie Shockley—author of the new black and semiautomatic (and other poetry books), as well as Renegade Poetics: Black Aesthetics and Formal Innovation in African American Poetry (criticism)—is creative writing editor for Feminist Studies and associate professor of English at Rutgers University.

Kazim Ali is a poet, translator, essayist, and fiction writer. His books include Sky Ward, Bright Felon, and Orange Alert: Essays on Poetry, Art and the Architecture of Silence. He is associate professor of creative writing and comparative literature at Oberlin College.

Brenda Hillman is the author of ten collections of poetry, including Practical Water, Seasonal Works with Letters on Fire, and Extra Hidden Life, Among the Days, and has cotranslated At Your Feet by Ana Cristina Cesar. Hillman is the Filippi Professor of Poetry at St. Mary’s College of California.

Kerri Webster teaches at Boise State University. She is the author of The Trailhead, Grand & Arsenal, and We Do Not Eat Our Hearts Alone.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center