F286. Heads in the Cloud: A Consideration of Poetics and Technology, Hosted by Submittable

Room 7, 8, & 9, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Friday, March 9, 2018
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm


Surprise: poetry and technology don’t have to be antithetical. In fact, poetic intelligence and computer science can complement, stimulate, and intersect with one another in meaningful ways. Poets with expertise in digital technology will share their creative work and discuss fruitful junctures between verse and code, overlooked benefits of poetic thinking in tech spaces (and vice-versa), career development, and how digital literacy can serve writers of all kinds.



Rachel Mindell manages promotions and creates content at Submittable. She is the author of a chapbook (Like a Teardrop and a Bullet) and her poems have appeared (or will) in DIAGRAM, The Journal, BOAAT, Interim, Forklift, Ohio, and elsewhere. She holds an MA and MFA from the University of Montana.

TJ Jarrett is the author of Zion, winner of the 2013 Crab Orchard Open Poetry Competition, and Ain't No Grave. Her poems appear in the Beloit Poetry Journal, Poetry, Boston Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, and elsewhere.

Jessica (Tyner) Mehta is a Cherokee poet, novelist, and owner of the multi-award-winning company MehtaFor. She’s the author of six books and over 100 articles in renowned journals. Jessica is the recipient of numerous writer in residency posts around the globe including England and France.

Neil Aitken is the author of two books of poetry, Babbage's Dream and The Lost Country of Sight, winner of the 2007 Philip Levine Prize, and editor of Boxcar Poetry Review. His translations appear in The Book of Cranes: Selected Poems of Zang Di and New Cathay: Contemporary Chinese Poetry, 1990–2012.

Lynne DeSilva-Johnson is a nonbinary interdisciplinary creator and performer. They are an assistant visiting professor at Pratt Institute, founder and managing editor of The Operating System, and libraries editor at Boog City. Lynne publishes and performs widely, amplifies often, and resists always.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center