F134. Her Poetic Voice: Women Translating Women

Room 23, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Friday, March 9, 2018
9:00 am to 10:15 am


Questions about how and why gender matters in translation are current, yet far from exhausted, in field-wide conversations. This panel contributes to the dialogue by gathering women translators of Spanish language women poets to consider the complexities of bringing female poetic subjectivity into English. Topics to be discussed include poetic expression, gendered language, the ideological implications of our choices, and the role of woman translators as both creators and promoters.



Katherine M. Hedeen is professor of Spanish at Kenyon College. She has published over twenty books of Spanish and Spanish American poetry in translation. She is translation editor at Kenyon Review and a two-time recipient of a NEA Translation Project Grant.

Kristin Dykstra's recent translations include work by Amanda Berenguer, Alvaro Mutis, Omar Perez, Rito Aroche, and Tina Escaja, as well as a series of four contemporary Cuban editions (with her critical introductions) by Reina María Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Flores, Angel Escobar, and Marcelo Morales.

Michelle Gil-Montero is a poet and translator. She has translated several books of poetry by contemporary Latin American writers, including Maria Negroni, Valerie Mejer Caso, and Andres Ajens. Her work has been supported by the NEA, Howard Foundation, and Fulbright.

Jeannine Marie Pitas is a teacher, writer, and translator currently teaching at the University of Dubuque. She is the author of two poetry chapbooks and the translator of poetry by Uruguayan writer Marosa di Giorgio.

Carina del Valle Schorske is a translator, poet, and essayist. She won Gulf Coast's 2016 prize in translation, and her work has appeared in Boston Review, The Offing, Lit Hub, and elsewhere. She is the happy recipient of fellowships from CantoMundo, the MacDowell Colony, and Bread Loaf.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center