S222. Comedy, and Errors
Saturday, March 1, 2014
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm
Peter Turchi is the author and editor of books of fiction and nonfiction including Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer, and the forthcoming A Muse and A Maze: Writing as Puzzle, Mystery, and Magic. He has been both an NEA and a Guggenheim Fellow.
Antonya Nelson is the author of four novels and seven short story collections, including the forthcoming Soldiers Joy. She teaches creative writing at the University of Houston and in the Warren Wilson MFA program.
Steven Schwartz is the author of five books, including most recently Little Raw Souls, a collection of stories. He teaches in the Warren Wilson low-residencey MFA Program and in the MFA Writing Program at Colorado State University, where he also serves as fiction editor for Colorado Review.
C.J. Hribal is the author of two novels and two short fiction collections, including The Company Car and The Clouds in Memphis, which won the AWP Award for Short Fiction. An NEA and Guggenheim Fellow, he teaches at Marquette University and for the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers.