S109. Drawing Out the Poet: Visual Art in the Writing Workshop

Room 2A, Washington State Convention Center, Level 2
Saturday, March 1, 2014
9:00 am to 10:15 am


A Grecian Urn set Keats’s imagination in motion, and Brancusi’s golden bird triggered Mina Loy’s flight of words. Writing in response to visual art and incorporating visual media into our poetic practice engages the imagination in exciting ways: it can quicken our attention, free us of familiar modes, and stimulate some of our best work. The poet-teachers on this panel examine the role of visual art in their own practice, and they share innovative techniques for inspiring student writing.



Matthew Burgess is a full-time lecturer at Brooklyn College and a poet-in-residence in New York City elementary schools. His poems and essays have appeared in NEA Arts, Hanging Loose, and Teachers & Writers magazine. A full-length poetry collection, Slippers for Elsewhere, is forthcoming.

Joanna Fuhrman is the author of four books of poetry, most recently Pageant and Moraine, as well as the chapbook The Emotive Function. She teaches poetry at Rutgers University and in NYC public schools.

Thomas Devaney is the author of The Picture that Remains (with photographer Will Brown), A Series of Small Boxes, The American Pragmatist Fell in Love, and Letters to Ernesto Neto. He teaches at Haverford College and is editor of ONandOnScreen poems and videos.

Sara Jane Stoner is a writer and performer who teaches writing, writing pedagogy, queer theory, and contemporary literature at Brooklyn College and Cooper Union. She is a PhD student in English at CUNY Graduate Center.

Abraham Avnisan is an interdisciplinary poet and new media artist. His work has been published in the Poetry Project Newsletter, Drunken Boat, and Rain Taxi. The new media consultant for Nightboat Books, he is currently an MFA candidate at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center