R244. The Arts of Death, Mystery, and Perspective: Edwidge Danticat, Maud Casey, and Christopher Castellani, Sponsored by Graywolf Press

Ballroom C, Tampa Convention Center, First Floor
Thursday, March 8, 2018
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Three acclaimed novelists explore territory often left unturned—the arts of death, of mystery, and of perspective. How can one extend craft into areas and techniques like these, and how does one make space for the personal in criticism and fiction? Three acclaimed novelists answer these questions and read from their recent books in the Graywolf Press Art Of series. Introduced and moderated by Graywolf Press director and publisher Fiona McCrae.



Fiona McCrae has been the Director and Publisher of Graywolf Press since 1994.

Edwidge Danticat  is the author of several books for adults and children, including Breath, Eyes, Memory, Krik? Krak!, and Claire of the Sea Light. Her latest book, The Art of Death: Writing the Final Story was published by Graywolf Press in July 2017. She is a 2009 MacArthur Fellow.

Maud Casey is the author of three novels and a collection of stories. She has received the Italo Calvino Prize, a 2015 Guggenheim Fellowship, and the St. Francis College Literary Prize. Her book of essays The Art of Mystery: The Search for the Questions was recently published by Graywolf Press.

Christopher Castellani is the author of three novels and one book of essays, The Art of Perspective. He is the artistic director of Grub Street, on the faculty of the Warren Wilson MFA program and Bread Loaf, and a Guggenheim fellow. His fourth novel, Leading Men, is forthcoming in February 2019.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

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