R242. Coming of Age: Young People Running Youth Literacy Programs

Room LL4, Western New England MFA Annex, Lower Level
Thursday, February 27, 2014
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


Youth literacy organizations are training the next generation of writer-educators. This panel will address how youth serviced by those organizations have started to become professional writers and teaching artists. This panel seeks to highlight best practices on how to create a youth-to-leadership pipeline and indigenous leadership in programs that are using creative writing instruction as a form of youth development. This panel will focus on high school through college-aged students.



Franny Choi is a Pushcart Prize-nominated writer and community organizer. She is the coordinator for Providence Poetry Slam’s Youth Program and is an alumna of WORD Poetry Group.SPublished in numerous journals, she has been a finalist at the three most prestigious poetry slams in the U.S.

Jamila Woods is a Pushcart Prize nominated poet and a founding member of Young Chicago Authors Teaching Artist Corps. Her plays have been produced by theaters in Chicago and Providence. She is an alumna of Young Chicago Authors and WORD Performance Poetry Group at Brown University.

Aaron Samuels is a Cave Canem fellow and author of the book Yarmulkes & Fitted Caps. An alumnus of the Providence Youth Poetry Slam, he has coached youth poets in Providence, Boston, and DC. He is the founder of WU-SLam, a collegiate literary organization at Washington University in St. Louis.

Danez Smith, a Cave Canem Fellow and two-time Pushcart Nominee, works as a Student Advisor for the the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His recent work appears or is forthcoming in journals such as decomP, the Cortland Review, Anti-, Southern Indiana Review, and Muzzle.

Fatimah Asghar


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Convention Center