F139. New Fiction from Atlanta

Grand Salon B, Marriott Waterside, Second Floor
Friday, March 9, 2018
10:30 am to 11:45 am


During the past thirty years, Atlanta, the Southeast’s largest metropolitan, has seen an explosion in the literary arts. It is home to prizewinning writers, journals, and centers. This panel presents new works from three diverse novelists. With fresh insight and innovative form, they explore family, the South’s racial tensions, and storytelling itself



Anthony Grooms directs the MA in Professional Writing Program at Kennesaw State. He has won awards from Fulbright, Yaddo, NEA, Bread Loaf, and Hurston-Wright, and is the author of Bombingham, a novel, and Trouble No More, stories. His novel, The Vain Conversation, is forthcoming.

Gray Stewart is on core faculty at the Etowah Valley MFA Program at Reinhardt University. He led the fiction workshop at Morehouse College from 2000–2010. A former fiction editor, Fulbright beneficiary, and Hambidge Fellow, his first novel Haylow won the 2017 Georgia Author of the Year Award.

Anna Schachner is the author of the novel You and I and Someone Else. Professor of English at GSU's Perimeter College, she also teaches writing in the Georgia prison system and organizes writing workshops for student and community veterans. She is the editor of The Chattahoochee Review.


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