September 1988 Cover Image

Poland: Form and Freedom

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Robert Pinsky
This is a personal essay. I'd like to explore the ideas of form, freedom and control by leading up to a particular time when I was brought to consider a poem of mine in a cultural setting just a little different from my accustomed one. Some of the material will be autobiographical, and I'll risk some generalities—by way of introduction.

The Thirty-Seven Percent Solution

David Daniel and Liam Rector
In the forthcoming Fall ADE Bulletin, Robert D. Denham writes, "37% of all teachers in higher education are now on part-time contracts, and the rate of growth in part-time hiring has been almost 1% a year since 1972."1 The implications of these statistics threaten both the quality of education provided and the welfare of teachers themselves.

Bringing the Strange Home

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Stephen Dunn
Czeslaw Milosz, in his book of essays The Witness of Poetry, eloquently states one of the dilemmas facing the modem poet: When poets discover that their words refer only to other words and not to reality which must be described as faithfully as possible, they despair.

The Old Testament and Feminist Imagination

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Alicia Ostriker
What happens when women writers re-imagine culture? What happens when we re-imagine that profoundly masculine ur-text of Western culture, the Bible? A few years ago in my book on contemporary American women's poetry, Stealing the Language, I surveyed what I call "revisionist mythmaking" by contemporary women poets.