Chicago Transit Authority Pilots Weeklong Moving Library Program

October 7, 2015

Person holding book while standing on train platform.

Bookish Chicago residents who commute regularly on CTA trains, you’re in luck: next week, the train will be converted into a mobile library for a week.

“Books on the L” is part of Chicago Ideas Week, a seven-day innovation and ideas conference hosting events, activities, and lectures from public figures, and in an effort to encourage reading, the Chicago Transit Authority will be leaving a trail of hundreds of books of all genres—by Martin Rothblatt, Michael Strahan, Scott Shane, and Missouri senator Claire McCaskill—in the passenger cars of the L train for your reading leisure. (That is, until you reach your final stop. Then you have to give them back.)

The books will be available from Oct. 12 through Oct. 18; you can revel in the merriment by reading literature, and sharing your train read on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter using the hashtag, #BooksOnTheL.

Open Books, a nonprofit that creates programs and delivers books to schools and nonprofits across Chicago, provided a generous donation to support the program.

Related reading: The Senate has put into motion a bill that would limit the new Librarian of Congress’s years of service to ten years (as opposed to indefinitely), according to Roll Call.

In addition, Harvard College Library and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures are building an archive of materials related to the January massacre of Charlie Hedbo staff that includes cartoons, articles, journals, posters, graffiti, and banners, according to The Harvard Crimson.


Photo credit: “Chicago Ideas”

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