Dora Malech

Maryland, United States

Member Since: 10/07/2011

Dora Malech is the author of Say So (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2011) and Shore Ordered Ocean (Waywiser Press, 2009). Her third collection of poetry, Stet, will be published by Princeton University Press in September 2018, and her fourth collection, Flourish, will be published by Carnegie Mellon University Press in 2020. She has been the recipient of an Amy Clampitt Residency Award from the Amy Clampitt Fund, a Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation, and a Writing Residency Fellowship from the Civitella Ranieri Foundation, and she has served as Distinguished Poet-in-Residence at Saint Mary's College of California. She is a former director of the arts engagement organization the Iowa Youth Writing Project. Having taught at institutions that include the University of Iowa, Augustana College in Illinois, and the International Institute of Modern Letters at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, she is an assistant professor in The Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University, where she received the 2016 Crenson-Hertz Award for Community Based Learning and Participatory Research. Her poems have appeared in publications that include The New Yorker, Poetry, Best American PoetryTin House, Poetry LondonNew England Review, and The Kenyon Review.


Twitter Username: @DoraMalech


  • Stet , Princeton University Press (September 2018)
  • Say So , Cleveland State University Poetry Center (2011)
  • Shore Ordered Ocean , Waywiser Press (2009)


  • Amy Clampitt Fellow
  • Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellow(2010)
  • Civitella Ranieri Writing Fellow(2009)
  • Frederick M. Clapp Poetry Writing Fellow(2003)


  • Assistant Professor at The Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University (2014 - )


  • Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art from Yale University (2003)
  • Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from University of Iowa (2005)

Genres of Interest
