Holly M. Wendt
Pennsylvania, United States
Member Since: 11/07/2010
Holly M. Wendt is the author of Heading North (Braddock Avenue Books, 2023). They are a recipient of the Robert and Charlotte Baron Fellowship for Creative and Performing Artists from the American Antiquarian Society and fellowships from the Jentel Foundation and Hambidge Center. A 2023 Peter Taylor Fellow at the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop, Holly has also been a member of workshops at Bread Loaf, Sewanee, and Tin House. Their work has appeared in Passages North, Shenandoah, Barrelhouse, Memorious, and elsewhere. Holly is a former Baseball Prospectus contributor and contributing editor for The Classical. Their nonfiction has appeared in Bodies Built for Game: The Prairie Schooner Anthology of Contemporary Sports Writing, The Rumpus, and Sport Literate. Holly is Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at Lebanon Valley College.
A first-generation college student, Holly earned their BA from Lycoming College, their MA from Ohio University, and their Ph.D. from Binghamton University. Holly is the 2023 recipient of the Thomas Rhys Vickroy Distinguished Teaching Award from Lebanon Valley College, and their work within and beyond the classroom has been recognized with a NISOD Excellence Award. They have twice served as co-coordinator for the Equality State Book Festival and presently direct Lebanon Valley College’s visiting writer series, Writing: A Life. They also serve as the vice president of the board for the Annville Free Library.
Beyond the writing life, Holly is a multidisciplinary fiber artist and cycling enthusiast.
Website: https://www.hollymwendt.com/
Twitter Username: @hmwendt
- Heading North: A Novel , Braddock Avenue Books (November 7, 2023)
- "The Bolton Strid" , Shenandoah (May 2021)
- "monsieur reynard" , Four Way Review (November 2020)
- "Elephant Graveyards" , Barrelhouse Magazine (April 2016)
- Peter Taylor Fellow in Fiction, Kenyon Review Writers Workshop(2023)
- Thomas Rhys Vickroy Distinguished Teaching Award(2023)
- Fellow at Hambidge Center(2020)
- Fellow at Jentel Artists Residency Program(2013)
- Robert and Charlotte Baron Creative and Performing Artist and Writers Fellow(2014)
- English Instructor at Casper College (August 2009 - May 2014)
- Assistant Professor of English at Lebanon Valley College (August 2014 - August 2020)
- Associate Professor of English at Lebanon Valley College (August 2020 - )
- Bachelor of Arts in English from Lycoming College (May 2003)
- Master of Arts in English from Ohio University (June 2005)
- Doctoral Degree in English from Binghamton University (May 2009)
Genres of Interest
Fiction, Creative nonfiction, Poetry