David Lynn

Ohio, United States

Member Since: 08/22/2012

David Lynn has been the editor of The Kenyon Review, an international journal of literature, culture and the arts, since 1994. His latest collection of short stories, Year of Fire, was published by Harcourt in 2006. In a review, Publisher’s Weekly said that “the stories of this collection occupy the gray borderland where betrayal mixes with trust, violence with affection, humiliation with lust.  The effect is quietly haunting." He is also the author of the novel Wrestling with Gabriel, an earlier collection of stories, Fortune Telling, and The Hero's Tale: Narrators in the Early Modern Novel, a critical study. His stories and essays have appeared in magazines and journals in America, England, India, and Australia. David Lynn lives in Gambier, Ohio with his wife, Wendy Singer, and their two children, Aaron and Elizabeth. He is also Professor of English at Kenyon College.