Get Unstuck: Defying Writer’s Block in Your Poetry

New Jersey, United States

May 15 - Jun 12, 2024


TUITION / COST:Sliding scale
Email for details on scholarships.

CONTACT: Murphy Writing

Online, May 15 - June 12, 2024

Each Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm EDT

Limited to 12 participants. Led by Darla Himeles.

Feeling like you want to write but can’t? Struggling to move your poems forward? This online poetry workshop for writers of all levels will give you the tools to break free from writer’s block and revise your “stuck” poems. Together, we will study published work for inspiration and experiment with creative prompts that make use of texts, art and objects you can find around your home to generate new poems. We will also play with revision strategies that will help you identify your poem’s lifeforce to enliven stale drafts you’ve all but given up on. Each weekly meeting will be preceded by a selection of assigned readings and at least one writing prompt. Our meetings will be divided between discussion of published texts, short in-class writing exercises and workshopping our poems. At the conclusion of our five weeks together, you will have assembled a reliable “Getting Unstuck” toolkit to return to whenever you need.

This workshop is presented by Murphy Writing of Stockton University.


Featured Writers Include:

Darla Himeles (they/she) is a Philadelphia-based poet. They are the author of the chapbook Flesh Enough and the full-length poetry collection Cleave, both published by Get Fresh Books. Her poems and essays have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net and can be read in recent issues of Lesbians are Miracles, The Gay & Lesbian Review, The Massachusetts Review, The Night Heron Barks, Honey Literary, and NAILED. They hold an AB in English from Bryn Mawr College, an MFA in poetry and poetry in translation from Drew University, and a PhD in American literature from Temple University, where they work as the assistant director of the Writing Center and teach undergraduate creative writing workshops. Find Darla on Instagram @darlahimelespoetry and at




New Jersey, United States

Murphy Writing of Stockton University

Murphy Writing of Stockton University offers programs in the US and abroad to help writers develop their craft. When writers immerse themselves in these challenging and supportive workshops and an encouraging community, they often make breakthroughs in their art. The Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway, founded in 1994, is the flagship program, attracting more than 200 poets and writers from across the country each year. In 2014, Murphy Writing became part of Stockton University.

Our Participants Say it Best

"The Getaway was exactly what I needed to recharge as a writer and start the year off on the right foot. From the supportive community to the hotel’s friendly atmosphere, I left feeling inspired. Now I can't wait to get back to work on the many projects I've lined up for myself. I only wish the Getaway could last all year!" ~ Cate, Pittsburgh, PA

Our Philosophy

Advance your craft and energize your writing with our challenging and supportive workshops. Write with us wherever you are and take advantage of inspiring craft discussions, dedicated writing time, insightful feedback and an encouraging community.

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