Campus Equity Week Highlights the Plight of Adjuncts and Untenured Faculty

October 28, 2015

Equity Campus Equity Week 2015, an annual event founded by the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor that aims to raise awareness of adjunct and faculty equity issues, kicked off with a Congressional briefing on Monday, October 26.

On Monday, sponsors of CEW called upon activists to attend the briefing and/or follow-up on it by contacting their representatives; on Tuesday, adjuncts and faculty tweeted their stories of poverty on social media; and on Wednesday, activists wore “scarlet” clothing or the red “A” to symbolize their marginalization in the corporate model of higher education, and CEW requested that individuals pledge to participate in continuous national and local campaigns for equality in higher education.

To join in, follow Campus Equity Week at @CampusEquityWk, like CEW on Facebook, and/or use the hashtags #CEW2015 and #CampusEquity.

Take a look at the full list of events happening nationwide by visiting CEW, or, for materials to circulate on social media, go to the National Education Association’s website.

The New Faculty Majority National Arts Projects offers suggestions for art projects that can bring attention to the unjust treatment of faculty.

Sponsors include the New Faculty Majority, Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor, Service Employees International Union, National Education Association, United University Professions, Pennsylvania State Education Association, and the Wisconsin Education Association Council.

Related reading: Eight adjunct faculty members will lose their positions in George Washington University’s creative writing program due to budget cuts, which “could pose future problems for the program.”


Photo Credit: National Education Association

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