AWP Releases List of Conference Events Dedicated to Diverse Communities

September 21, 2015

In response to requests for demographic information on the extent to which various communities participate in the 2016 Los Angeles AWP Conference & Bookfair, AWP has published “Communities of the AWP Conferences & Bookfair,” which catalogs 231 events. The events self-identify themselves, in their titles or descriptions, as events dedicated to the representation of twelve literary communities among the many that comprise AWP.

Many members of these communities participate in other events in addition to those listed in the document, as this catalog quantifies topics, not individuals. The document lists only those events that, in their titles or descriptions, declare affiliations with these communities. For instance, graduate students and adjunct faculty participate in many other events that are not labeled by the terms “students” or “adjuncts.” Those other events are more generally billed as readings or as panel discussions on pedagogy, craft, and a wide range of literary issues. The same is true for the conference’s inclusion of individuals from other communities. With 560 total events, the diversity of the conference extends far beyond the 231 events listed in Communities of the AWP Conference & Bookfair.

The featured presenters and the list of self-identifying events demonstrate the growing diversity of the AWP Conference and Bookfair. AWP will continue to work to improve the conference, and we appreciate the suggestions that a few of you have already sent to

As we keep improving the conference to serve our literary communities, AWP asks for your support and suggestions in our continued work.

A Word document version of this list is also available and might be more accessible to screen readers.

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AWP Launches Annual Rotation of Surveys
September 21, 2015

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