September 1980 Cover Image

Solitude or Community: Writing As It is Taught

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Donald Justice
That gregarious and perfervid evangelist, Robert Bly, praises solitude for the poet-to rather large public gatherings, paradoxically enough; I, alone in my study, compose a few sentences in praise of community for the writer. But no writer, I think, can long thrive as merely one among many; nor is the hermit, clad in his rough skins, ever likely to take the measure of his vision except somehow in relation to society.

More from the San Antonio Meeting: The Writer and the West

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George Keithley
Donald E. Worcester, from the History Department at Texas Christian University, author of The Apaches: Eagles of the Southwest and other books, began the program by reading a paper which developed two themes: 1) How writers have used materials about the West, and 2) How critics and the reading public have responded to Western writers.