F258. A Reading to Celebrate MacDowell's 110 years

Room 506, LA Convention Center, Meeting Room Level
Friday, April 1, 2016
3:00 pm to 4:15 pm


This reading celebrates the MacDowell Colony's 110th year of support for writers of diverse cultural, aesthetic, and geographical backgrounds, providing the freedom to create in all stages of their careers. Four award-winning fiction fellows read, showcasing the caliber of work encouraged by MacDowell. The panelists also briefly share how residency at the Colony influenced their development as writers.



Tracy Winn is the author of the award-winning linked story collection Mrs. Somebody Somebody.

Zinzi Clemmons's writing has appeared in Zoetrope: All-Story and Transition Magazine. She holds degrees from Brown and Columbia, and has received support from the Fine Arts Work Center, Bread Loaf, and MacDowell. She is cofounder and publisher of Apogee Journal.

Adrianne Harun is the author of The King of Limbo and A Man Came Out of the Door in the Mountain. She teaches in the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA program at Pacific Lutheran University and in the Sewanee School of Letters.

Alice Sola Kim's fiction has recently been published or is forthcoming in Tin House, McSweeney's Literary Quarterly, and The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. She is a MacDowell Colony Fellow and the recipient of a grant from the Elizabeth George Foundation.


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