R261. No Country for Good Old Boys: The Remaking of the Masculine in Contemporary American Fiction

Room 101 D&E, Level 1
Thursday, April 9, 2015
4:30 pm to 5:45 pm


Five authors of fiction will offer examples of "the masculine" at work. Fury and listlessness, a shifting of gender roles, the metrosexual urban landscape, and the blue-collar crucible of today's characters is revealed as the authors provide ideas and guidance on pitfalls to be avoided, risks to be taken, and what post-masculine writing has to offer its readers. The authors speak to how the masculine informs the ways they cast male and female characters (masculinity not being gender specific).



Shann Ray is the author of American Masculine: StoriesForgiveness and Power in the Age of Atrocity; and Balefire: Poems. His work has been honored with an American Book Award, and he has served as an NEA fellow. Ray teaches leadership and forgiveness studies at Gonzaga University.

Siobhan Fallon is the author of You Know When the Men Are Gone, winner of a PEN Center USA Award in fiction. Her stories have appeared in Prairie SchoonerSalamander, Huffington Post, Publishers Weekly, and Washington Post magazine, and have been staged in California, Colorado, Texas, and France.


Alan Heathcock is the author of VOLT. He has won a National Magazine Award, an NEA fellowship, a Whiting Writers' Award, and was a finalist for the Barnes and Noble Discover Prize. He is a literature fellow for the state of Idaho and teaches at Boise State University.

Benjamin Percy is the author of two novels, Red Moon and The Wilding, as well as two story collections, Refresh, Refresh and The Language of Elk. He is a contributing editor at Esquire.

Kim Barnes is the author of two memoirs and three novels, most recently, In the Kingdom of Men. Her work has been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, has won the PNBA Award for Nonfiction, and has been awarded the PEN Center USA Award in Literary Fiction. She teaches writing at the University of Idaho.


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