S204. We Need to Talk: Editors Discuss How They Communicate with Writers and How Writers Can Improve the Channels of Communication

Room 3B, Washington State Convention Center, Level 3
Saturday, March 1, 2014
1:30 pm to 2:45 pm


Accepting a piece is the easy part—the hard part is suggesting changes in an effective way. In this panel, four editors will discuss their strategies, old and new, for communicating with writers and translators in order to improve a piece—including the snail-mail editor’s letter, Skype, a volley of track-changes comments, and of course, the long lunch in New York. Specific situations like dramatically expanding or shortening a piece and working with literature in translation will be discussed.



Aviya Kushner's first book, The Grammar of God, is forthcoming. Her essays have appeared in the Wilson Quarterly, Gulf Coast, Partisan Review, and A Public Space. She teaches in the nonfiction writing program at Columbia College Chicago.

Jennifer Barber is the author of the poetry collections Given Away and Rigging the Wind. She is the founding and current editor of Salamander. She teaches literature and creative writing at Suffolk University in Boston.

A. N. Devers's fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have appeared in Lapham's Quarterly, the New Yorker, Paris Review, Slice, Southampton Review, the Rumpus, and Tin House. She is the editor of Writers' Houses (www.writershouses.com) a website dedicated to literary pilgrimage.

Josh Rolnick's debut short story collection, Pulp and Paper, won the 2011 John Simmons Short Fiction Award. His stories have won the Arts & Letters Prize and the Florida Review Prize. He currently serves as editor of Unstuck, a literary annual, and publisher of Sh'ma, a journal of Jewish ideas.

Ian Stansel is the author of the story collection Everybody’s Irish. His work has appeared in Ploughshares, Salon, and the Cincinnati Review. He is a former editor of Gulf Coast.


February 7–10, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri

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